Shining Through
By Don Bradley
I think upon the times I’ve had, the times that shine through. I think upon the love I knew, when that love was true. But always I come back to that serene inner self; the self inside that guides me…yes it guides ever closer to…
…the moments that we know.
The moments we hold dear.
Those ever changing whispers, laughing love.
Those ever living moments from our hearts.
And what is this that ringing then, that chiming bell that beats…it beats away a rhythm we can’t see…it beats away a shining heart we can feel.
And they call it love, yes they do. It’s something we all know. I reached for the time when time was not. Ever hopeful that the dream wasn’t what.
So, laugh a little with me now, think that it may be.
Remember what we are and what we see.
Hold fast to being loved and you will be…
…the moments that we know.
The moments we hold dear.
Those ever changing whispers, laughing love.
Those ever living moments from our hearts.
And what is this that ringing then, that chiming bell that beats…it beats away a rhythm we can’t see…it beats away a shining heart we can feel.
So come on, darling find a way, shimmer through the hate.
My ways are your ways only if you can.
They say that we are lucky when we know.
…the moments that we know.
The moments we hold dear.
Those ever changing whispers, laughing love.
Those ever living moments from our hearts.
And what is this that ringing then, that chiming bell that beats…it beats away a rhythm we can’t see…it beats away a shining heart we can feel.